Sunday 17 June 2012

Final peice exhibition :)

It was my college exhibition last week and some of the work was amazing :) it was really successful
Here are some pictures of my final piece :)
It was based around the idea that everyone conforms to fashion or something, even if they are different or individual, I also looked at how us as human beings define the words 'strange or wierd'
Its a bit more complicating that but basically the coloured peice represens hidden conformity and the black and white represents the more obvious side to conformity such as uniform etc..
Anyway here it is :) I was happy with it

It's 4 and a half metres long and I used magic touch paper to iron my images on and used bleach and dyes etc.. He pictures on the side are my photographs that I had taken which I will individually upload when i get them from my college computer :)

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