Sunday 17 June 2012

Final peice exhibition :)

It was my college exhibition last week and some of the work was amazing :) it was really successful
Here are some pictures of my final piece :)
It was based around the idea that everyone conforms to fashion or something, even if they are different or individual, I also looked at how us as human beings define the words 'strange or wierd'
Its a bit more complicating that but basically the coloured peice represens hidden conformity and the black and white represents the more obvious side to conformity such as uniform etc..
Anyway here it is :) I was happy with it

It's 4 and a half metres long and I used magic touch paper to iron my images on and used bleach and dyes etc.. He pictures on the side are my photographs that I had taken which I will individually upload when i get them from my college computer :)

College stuff

So I've just finished a foundation year at cleveland college of art and design and we got our results on friday and I got a merit which I'm so happy with :) also my final peice has been chosen to go into another exhibition in Middlesbrough and it's for sale for £350! I'm so proud of myself, I don't even mind if it doesn't sell I'm just over the moon that it was chosen haha!

Anyway here are some photos from my sketch book, it was all experimentation and I will upload pictures of my final peice in the next post :)

Saturday 9 June 2012

Portrait, emotion, black and white

These Portraits are from the experimentation stage in my fop where i was trying to capture the emotion of the person, i had been looking at loads of photographers like mary ellen mark and stuff around this time and black and white and highish contrast stuff was working well with me :) i think the black and white gradient map works really well with the images as well :)

Friday 8 June 2012

Exposure and movement project

This was for a college project and also for my Uni portfolio where I wanted to look at movement using different exposures and a fast shutter speed.

iPhone shots

I like taking photos everywhere really and I always have my phone on me, so here's a few shots of when I went to Scarborough, the view was gorgeous and these pictures do have a filter over them however they are really pretty :)

Experimental shots and lighting experiments

These shots were taken around January 2012 with a digital SLR at an old abandoned orphanage near Barnard Castle. The purpose of these images was originally for experimentation in location and image treatment however i took advantage of the occasion and used it to experiment with the natural lighting. I like the outcome of the images.

Hello (:

I decided to start a blog because it will help me keep track of all my work and its a goodish way to show people what I'm doing if they want to see it. il just post recent and old things and feel free to comment if you wish too :) good or bad feedback would be appreciated :) thankyouuu